Philippa Kirby shared a message titled, 'Travelling Transformation' John 6:16-21 'That evening Jesus’ disciples went down to the shore to wait for him. 17 But as darkness fell and Jesus still hadn’t come back, they got into the boat and headed across the lake toward Capernaum. 18 Soon a gale swept down upon them, and the sea grew very rough. 19 They had rowed three or four miles when suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water toward the boat. They were terrified, 20 but he called out to them, “Don’t be afraid. I am here!” 21 Then they were eager to let him in the boat, and immediately they arrived at their destination!' This took place after Jesus fed the 5000 and the people wanted to seize him by force. The word immediately indicates that perhaps they miraculously arrived at their destination! Travelling transformation means that as we journey with wisdom and freedom we are changing and growing. When we’re travelling transformation, we should be able to see the shifts in our lives… They can be realised! In the moments of waiting, hoping & praying, sometimes we struggle to see Jesus. Storms come up and we can be terrified, uncertain, doubtful but Jesus says, I AM here, do not be afraid, take courage! When we rest in God, fear dissipates. As we trust in His Presence, we immediately arrive. Transformation requires us to recognise the contrast of before and after. Half of the disciples' journey was turmoil, horrible… but then Jesus showed up and the rest of the journey was peace. Transformation is seen with hindsight. Are you seeing the miracles? What can we see now that we couldn’t see before? We've seen Him provide before, so of course we'll see it again! We can trust God for transformation. When we get past the worst and are no longer in survival mode, we can look back and see the miracles and transformative moments “Discipline may be stepping out of darkness but empowerment is stepping into the light.” Tim Smith Insert Quote McClarens dispositions Jesus is the light in the darkness and his light cannot be extinguished. God has patient transformational love for us. To learn through contrast and hindsight we have to reflect. Sometimes we need to carve time out in our busy lives to make space to reflect (and sometimes we just need to turn off the TV!) God is more than enough for us in any storm. What people can offer us is temporary, but what God gives us remains. When we take time to reflect, we can appreciate how God has helped us and his Presence in the storm. Sometimes life is a series of chaos, but God is with us in it. He’s the God of all and He is here. May we allow ourselves to be changed and to travel transformation well. --- You can watch the full message below:
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